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Website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vc4z978rqko

Time Zone: UTC

Cardano360 for Campus: Empowering Universities, Expanding the Cardano Universe”
Inviting leaders, teachers and students from the world’s universities to join Catalyst.

Day 1: Universities from Venezuela, Israel, France, Vietnam, Uganda, Liberia, Japan, Kenya, Goma, Ethiopia, Oman and Mexico will be present, and one step away from unleashing all their creative force.

Day 2: Rich Kopcho from @nft_dao and Ninh Tran from @snapbrillia will show teachers how to guide their students towards a future full of possibilities.

Day 3: This wonderful experience in which Universities from different countries were able to appreciate the beauty of our ecosystem, comes to an end, and it does it in the best way. Day 3 is for students.

  • This event has passed.
  • Start Time
    October 26 - 12:00 am
  • End Time
    October 28 - 12:00 am
  • Email
  • Organizer
    EMURGO Academy

Registrations are closed for this event